Customer Testimonials

"The man (I didn't get his name) treated the bushes like they were his he was trimming! Also, the clean-up was beautiful!"
-Jane A.

"I would like to give praise to the men and women who you employ both in the office and in the field. They are not only friendly and helpful, but also very professional. You have an A+ team, don't change a thing."
- Owen F

"Just a note of gratitude for taking care of the trees in my backyard so promptly. I would like to commend the wonderful gentlemen who did this work for their extreme courtesy and care shown for my property."
- Barbara T.

"Thanks to the crew for such an "artistic" job! I am VERY pleased!"
- Linda

"Thank you very much for the very nice job. Your crew was very thoughtful about what they were doing."
- Carl G.

"As usual the fellows who cut down my apple tree, ground the stump, and trimmed my bush, did a beautiful job..."
- Jane B

"Thanks again for the great job on our trees and hedge! It was very professional and there was no debris left for us to clean up! Well done!!"
- Patty & Joel M.

"Your guys did an excellent job...they are all so professional, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. I would recommend your company to anyone!"
- Diane R.

"Trees look good, exactly what I wanted!"
- Wayne F.

"I am most pleased with the work of your team struggling for two days to take down our mammoth silver maple. They were courageous and professional while working on the behemoth. The tree measured exactly 132 inches or 11' around about 5' off the ground on the straight portion before any roots..."
- Eric & Andrea G.

"Your work was cleanly (and much more quietly than hoped for) and quickly done. This confirmed what I had heard of your operations and I would not hesitate to call you again...."
- Kathleen W.

"Thank you for doing such a neat & clean job! I am very pleased with your work."
- Susan B.

"Your work was so neat..."
- Beth M.

"Just a note to thank you for the good work done – especially on such a large tree in a difficult spot..." 
- Pam W.

"Thanks for the good safe work!"
- Jim M.

"Thanks for doing such a nice job on our property. You have a great team - very courteous, professional, kind. Thanks again for a job well done!"
- Carol K.

"You can be proud of your team of men sent to my house to remove some trees and clear up some problems. Since you weren't here I thought you would like to know how pleased I was with their workmanship and their manner..."
- Ann M.

"Your work was excellent and I would be happy to recommend you to others in the future."
- Lu M.

"You are to be congratulated to be in business 20 years and still treat customers with respect and consideration..." 
- Anne O.

"Thank you so much for another excellent job. We are always impressed by your work. The crew of guys that took down our pine tree was amazing! We love doing business with you...."
- Dottie L.

"Thanks - a really great, neat job."
- Mae B.

"The yard looks wonderful and I would recommend your company to anyone..." 
- Betty R.

"The men (or women) did such a neat job that neither my husband nor I noticed that the trees had been removed when we came onto our property..."
- Doris R.

"Thank you so much for your very professional and courteous service. The work that you carried out for us was well done and the gentlemen who performed the work were informative and polite..." 
- Ashish V.

"Thank you again for your excellent service and immediate action to remove trees from my property. You and your crew did a GREAT job and I sincerely appreciate what you did for me!"
- Bonnie P.

"My wife and I wanted to thank you for the great work. You were on time, clean and things look great. Our neighbors are pleased too! "
- Mike & Joan I.

"Thank you so much for your fast service in removing the trees from my property. It's a pleasure dealing with your company!" 
- Ben & Linda

"We were truly impressed by the excellent job that your crew did, and felt that the job could not have been done better. It's a true credit to you and your organization..." 
- Bob L.

"Thank you so much - you guys did an AMAZING job!"
- Tim T.

"Thanks so much for the terrific job you did at our house. The whole crew was nice and professional. Our boys really enjoyed watching the process of bringing trees down. We're glad we chose to work with you!"
- Jessica J.

"Your guys did a great job at a reasonable price..."
- Joe P.

"I am very happy with the job you did and I appreciate your prompt service."
- Carrie B.

"Thank you so much for coming out so quickly and doing such a fine job. I would recommend your company to anyone and I will!"
- Rosemarie W.

"Thanks for the great job in pruning and removing my trees. I no longer cringe when I hear storms forecasted."
- Diane K.

"The grass is already beginning to come up. We have gotten a lot of compliments..." 
- Karen & Ray

"Thank you all once again for the great job on the mulberry tree, it looks so much better! The clean up was perfect..."
- Kim S.

"Thank you for doing a great job and for being responsive to our call just before Memorial weekend when we were concerned about the safety of visiting family and small children with the fallen limb in our driveway..."
- Dan G.

"Your crew did a fine job...they were professional, hard-working & friendly. They did a good job of cleaning up which really impressed us...."
- George & Phyllis R.

"The young man, Bryan, worked as hard as his Dad – Each went about this task relying on the other for help or correction – no shouting, fighting or slacking because Bryan was a young man – He had a job to do and he did it..."
- Jim & Edna G.

"Please tell Mr. landis what a nice job he did in removing the fallen ash tree in my backyard. I really appreciate how promptly he did it and how neatly he did it!"
- Dave R.

"Thank you for another great job! Neat, safe and a nice team of men!"
- Lisa G.

"We'd like to tell you what a great job your crew did for us! Thank you, we'd recommend you to our family and friends."
- Mary Lou R.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a part of the volunteer efforts to clear trees in the Borough's _____Park...." 
- Borough Manager

"Thank you so very much for an excellent job done on removing my fallen trees!"
- Helen P.

"I was very happy with the plowing your man did and he was very pleasant to talk to..."
- Don B.

"They were very professional and took needed precautions to protect our home from damage..." 
- Dick P.

"Thank you for all you do! I missed the snowfall but heard it was phenomenal - appreciate your taking care of the family while I was away. We love Landis Tree Service! Thanks Heather!" 
- Laura C.
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